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Friday 30 June 2017

Sudharsan SR

Ajith looks cool in this new still from Vivegam

If you are a fan of the much-loved and highly talented Ajith Kumar, we have some exciting news in store for you. A new still from ‘Vivegam’ is going viral on the social media and that too for all the right reasons.

In the still, ‘Thala’ can be seen flaunting his mature yet stylish look to the fullest. He seems to be in a relaxed mood here and appears to be looking at something or someone. Needless to say, his self-assured body language gels quite well with his look and propels it to new heights. Moreover, Ajith’s mature expressions too gel quite well with his getup here.

Ajith looks cool in this new still from Vivegam

In case you did not know, ‘Vivegam’ is touted to be a spy-thriller and features Ajith in a brand new avatar. Its teaser was released some time ago and became the talk of the town in no time. In it, Thala was seen was seen redefining the meaning of on screen machismo with his daring antics.

Interestingly, ‘Vivegam’ has also grabbed eyeballs because of the popular ‘Surviva’ track. Composed by Anirudh Ravichander, it has become a rage amongt fans because of its hard-hitting lyrics. Besides Ajith, ‘Vivegam’ features Kajal Aggarwal in the lead. Bollywood actor Vivek IOberoi is also a part of the film. He will be playing the antagonist in this one.

On a related note, this will be Ajith’s first release of 2017. He was last seen in the 2015 release ‘Vedalam’. Touted to be an action-drama, it also featured Shruti Haasan in the lead and did well at the ticket window.

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Tuesday 26 April 2016


‘ро╡ிроЬроп் 60’ рокроЯрод்родிро▓் роЗрогைрои்род рооро▒்ро▒ொро░ு роиாропроХி!

‘роЗро│ைропродро│рокродி’ ро╡ிроЬроп் родро▒்рокோродு рокро░родрой் роЗропроХ்роХுроо் рокெропро░ிроЯாрод рокроЯрод்родிро▓் роироЯிрод்родு ро╡ро░ுроХிро▒ாро░். роЗродрой் рооுродро▓்роХроЯ்роЯ рокроЯрок்рокிроЯிрок்рокு роХроЯрои்род роПрок்ро░ро▓் 11-роо் родேродி родொроЯроЩ்роХி ро╡ெро▒ுроо் рооூрой்ро▒ு роиாроЯ்роХро│் роороЯ்роЯுрооே роироЯைрокெро▒்ро▒родு.

роЗродைродொроЯро░்рои்родு роЗродрой் роЕроЯுрод்родроХ்роХроЯ்роЯ рокроЯрок்рокிроЯிрок்рокு ро╡ро░ுроо் рооே 2-роо் родேродி рокிрой்ройி рооிро▓்ро▓ிро▓் родொроЯроЩ்роХுроХிро▒родு. ро╡ிроЬроп் роЬோроЯிропாроХ роХீро░்род்родி роЪுро░ேро╖் роироЯிроХ்роХுроо் роЗрок்рокроЯрод்родிро▓் роЬроХрокродி рокாрокு, роЯேройிропро▓் рокாро▓ாроЬி роЖроХிропோро░் ро╡ிро▓்ро▓рой்роХро│ாроХ роироЯிроХ்роХро╡ுро│்ро│ройро░்.
роЗрои்роиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЗрок்рокроЯрод்родிро▓் рооро▒்ро▒ொро░ு роиாропроХிропாроХ роЕрокро░்рогா ро╡ிройோрод் роОрой்рокро╡ро░் роТрок்рокрои்родрооாроХி роЗро░ுрок்рокродாроХ родроХро╡ро▓் ро╡ெро│ிропாроХிропுро│்ро│родு. роЗро╡ро░் рооро▓ைропாро│род்родிро▓் ро╡ெро│ிропாрой Njan Ninnodu Koodeyundu роОрой்ро▒ рокроЯрод்родிрой் рооூро▓роо் роЕро▒ிрооுроХрооாройро╡ро░்
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ро╡ிроЬроп் 60: рокроЯроХ்роХுро┤ு ро╡ிро╡ро░роо் роЕро▒ிро╡ிрок்рокு!

  родெро▒ி рокроЯрод்родுроХ்роХுрок் рокிро▒роХு ро╡ிроЬроп் роироЯிроХ்роХுроо் рокроЯрод்родை рокро░родрой் роЗропроХ்роХுроХிро▒ாро░். роХிро▓்ро▓ி, ро╡ீро░роо் рокோрой்ро▒ рокроЯроЩ்роХро│ிрой் ро╡роЪройроХро░்род்родாроХ рокрогிропாро▒்ро▒ிроп рокро░родрой், ро╡ிроЬроп் роироЯிрод்род роЕро┤роХிроп родрооிро┤்роороХрой் рокроЯрод்родை роЗропроХ்роХிропுро│்ро│ாро░்.

роЪрои்родோро╖் роиாро░ாропрогрой் роЗроЪைропрооைроХ்роХுроо் роЗрои்родрок் рокроЯрод்родிрой் роЕройைрод்родு рокாроЯро▓்роХро│ைропுроо் ро╡ைро░рооுрод்родு роОро┤ுродுроХிро▒ாро░்.

ро╡ிроЬроп் 60 роОрой்ро▒ு родро▒்рокோродு роХுро▒ிрок்рокிроЯрок்рокроЯுроо் роЗрои்родрок் рокроЯрод்родிро▓் ро╡ிроЬроп்ропிрой் роЬோроЯிропாроХ роХீро░்род்родி роЪுро░ேро╖் роТрок்рокрои்родрооாроХிропுро│்ро│ாро░்.

ро╡ிроЬроп் 60 рокроЯрод்родிрой் рокூроЬை роЪрооீрокрод்родிро▓் роироЯைрокெро▒்ро▒родு.

роЗрои்роиிро▓ைропிро▓் ро╡ிроЬроп் 60 рокроЯрод்родிрой் рокроЯроХ்роХுро┤ு рокро▒்ро▒ிроп ро╡ிро╡ро░роЩ்роХро│் ро╡ெро│ிропிроЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│рой.

роЬроХрокродி рокாрокு, роЯேройிропро▓் рокாро▓ாроЬி, ро╕்ро░ீроорой், роЪродீро╖், роЖроЯுроХро│роо் роиро░ேрой், роЕрокро░்ройா ро╡ிройோрод் рокோрой்ро▒ роироЯிроХро░்роХро│் роЗрок்рокроЯрод்родிро▓் роироЯிроХ்роХிро▒ாро░்роХро│்.


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Saturday 16 April 2016


Thala Ajith to shoot his next film in Australia?

Ajith's next movie currently referred to as "Thala 57" after Vedalam is one of the most anticipated movie of the year. It is produced by Sathya Jyothi Films and will be directed by Siruthai Siva. Actor Ajith has not been working for nearly six months following multiple surgeries, on the knee and shoulder. The actor is in the process of recovering, and should be completely fit in a few weeks.
Ajith 57 Shootting next in Australia?

Anirudh Ravichander, who composed music for Vedalam, will once again work along with the duo. Director Siva's third time collaboration with Ajith and director will soon wrap up the script work and start the pre-production work. The movie is riding high on expectations by Ajith fans. The movie will be launched on May 1, 2016 coinciding with Ajith's 45th birthday. The film’s shooting will commence on Thursday, June 9, 2016, sources said.

The film will be a city-based commercial entertainer and set in foreign locales. 30% of the movie will be shot in India and 70% in foreign locales. The sources said that this film might be extensively shot in Australia. The industry grapevine is that Ajith and Siva are contemplating on choosing a title that starts with the letter V, to coincide with the sentiment they’ve followed for their earlier collaborations.

Siva's first with Ajith was Veeram were filmmaker gave a complete makeover for Ajith as a village man. His next with Ajith was Vedalam which was a revenge drama, in which the actor was seen in a different trendy avatar. This time the director will be showing Ajith in a younger look for this movie, His look will be similar to his blockbuster remake hit Billa sporting a much younger and trendy look. 

Actors Nayantara and Anushka are the front runners for the female lead opposite Ajith, which is still not yet confirmed. Reports also claimed that actor Ajith might play dual role in the movie. The film, will have a huge star cast, and the director is working out on assembling one of the best that the Tamil film industry has ever seen, added sources.

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'Theri' worldwide box office collection: Vijay's film shatters first day business records of 'Kaththi,' 'Vedalam'

Vijay's "Theri" has got a great start at the worldwide box office. The Tamil movie has raked in Rs. 28.96 crore worldwide from over 1200 screens on its first day. In fact, Ilayathalapathy's latest flick has broken the records of "Vedalam" (Rs. 22 crore approximately), "Kaththi" (Rs. 26 crore approximately) and "Puli" (Rs. 19.55 crore approximately).

As per Andhra Box Office, it is now the seventh biggest South Indian opener after "Bahubali," "Sardar Gabbar Singh," "Lingaa," "I," "Srimanthudu" and "Endhiran." The underlining part of its success story is that the Vijay-starrer was released only in Tamil, while most of the aforementioned films were released in multiple languages. Hence, the collections of those flicks were higher than "Theri."


"Theri" has earned Rs 13.1 crore in Tamil Nadu and has become the second bigger opener in the state after "Vedalam," which collected Rs 15.1 crore on the release day. But the Vijay-starrer was not released in majority of the theatres in Chengalpet region after the deadlock between the producer and exhibitors over profit-sharing failed to find an amicable solution.

The traders predict that "Theri" would have lost over Rs. 3 to 5 crore from the Chengalpet region. "If released in Chengalpet region, Vijay's film would have broken 'Vedalam' record in TN," trade analyst Shankar Ganesh wrote on Twitter.

"Theri" has done wonderful business in the U.S. where it has reached the $500K-mark. From the Wednesday premiere shows and regular Thursday shows, it minted over $389,000. The movie earned over $127,770 on Friday.

Below, find the area-wise break-up of the first day collection of "Theri:"
ChennaiRs. 1.01 crore
North & South ArcotRs. 1.60 crore 
CoimbatoreRs. 4.04 crore
MaduraiRs.1.81 crore
Trichy & ThanjavurRs.1.80 crore
SalemRs. 1.77 crore
Tirunelveli- KanyakumariRs. 1.07 crore
Tamil Nadu Total CollectionRs. 13.23 crore
Outside TN
KeralaRs. 2.95 crore (Nett. Rs. 2.47 crore)
KarnatakaRs. 2.30 crore (Nett Rs. 1.81 crore)
Rest of IndiaRs. 40 lakh (Nett Rs. 29 lakh)
Overseas Centres
U.S./Canada Rs. 2.54 crore (Including Thursday premiere)
U.K.Rs. 1.17 crore
FranceRs. 37 lakh 
Estimated collection from rest of the worldRs. 6 crore
Worldwide Total : Rs. 28.96 crore
[1 lakh = 100,000 | 1 crore = 10 million | 100 crore = 1 billion]
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Theri box office collection: Atlee's film becomes the best opening for Ilaiyathalapathy Vijay

     VIjay's Theri, directed by Atlee, has become the best opener for VIjay. The film hit about 420 theatres across Tamil Nadu on Thursday and has raked in about Rs 13.1 crore on its opening day. Previously, Murugadoss's Kathti, which collected about Rs 12.5 crore on its first day, held the record of being the best opener of Vijay. But the film failed to take down the record of Ajith's Vedalam, which minted about Rs 15.1 crore on its opening day.

A still from Vijay's Theri

But Theri's record has come in spite of 60 theatres in Chengalpattu not releasing the film over financial issues.
Theri had a stupendous opening overseas. The film is now the third highest opener of Tamil films in the US, surpassed by Rajinikanth's Enthiran and Lingaa. It reportedly collected about Rs 16 ($251,123) crore on the first day in the US.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh said in a tweet that the film has had a 'superb' star in key markets overseas.
The film, which is about the relationship between a former police officer and his daughter, also stars Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Amy Jackson.

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Wednesday 16 December 2015


ро░роЬிройி рокроЯрод்родிро▓் ро╡ிроЬроп்ропா !!

Vijay In Rajini Movie    

роЪрооீрокроХாро▓рооாроХ роЗрои்род ро╡ாроЯ்роЪрок் роЯ்ро╡ிроЯ்роЯро░் рокேро╕்рокுроХ்роХро│ிро▓் роЗро╖்роЯрод்родிро▒்роХு роЗродை ро╡ேрог்роЯுрооாройாро▓ுроо் роЪொро▓்ро▓ро▓ாроо் роОрой்ро▒ роЪுродрои்родிро░роо் роХிроЯைроХ்роХிро▒родு. роЗродை рокропрой் рокроЯுрод்родிроХ்роХொрог்роЯு роЪிро▓ро░் родாрой் ро╡ாроп்роХ்роХு ро╡ро░ுро╡родை роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роЙрог்рооை роОрой்ро▒ு роЪொро▓்ро▓ி рокொроп்ропாрой родроХро╡ро▓்роХро│ை рокро░рок்рокி ро╡ро░ுроХிро▒ாро░்роХро│்.

роЗродே рокோро▓் родாрой் ро░роЬிройி роироЯிрод்родு рооிроХрок்рокெро░ிроп ро╡ெро▒்ро▒ி роЕроЯைрои்род роорой்ройрой் рокроЯрод்родிро▓் ро╡ிроЬроп் роироЯிрок்рокродாроХро╡ுроо் роЕродை KS ро░ро╡ிроХ்роХுрооாро░் роЗропроХ்роХுро╡родாроХ рокொроп்ропாрой роЪெроп்родிроХро│் роЗрогைропродро│роЩ்роХро│ிро▓் роХாроЯ்роЯுрод்родீ рокோро▓் рокро░ро╡ி ро╡ро░ுроХிро▒родு. роЗродை ро╡ிроЬроп் родро░рок்рокிроЯроо் ро╡ிроЪாро░ிрод்род рокொро┤ுродு ро╡ிроЬроп்60 роороЯ்роЯுроо் родாрой் роЗрок்рокொро┤ுродு роЙро▒ுрод்родி роЪெроп்ропрок்рокроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│родு рокுро░ро│ிроХро│ை роироо்рок ро╡ேрог்роЯாроо் роОрой்ро▒ு роЪொро▓்роХிро▒ாро░்роХро│்.
ро░роЬிройி рокроЯрод்родிро▓் ро╡ிроЬроп்ропா !!
ро░роЬிройி рокроЯрод்родிро▓் ро╡ிроЬроп்ропா !!
роЗродு рокோро▓ рокொроп்ропாрой роЪெроп்родிроХро│் рокро░рок்рокுро╡родிройாро▓் роОрой்рой роХிроЯроХ்роХிро▒родு роОрой்ро▒ு родெро░ிропро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை роЗродு рокோрой்ро▒ роЪெроп்родிроХро│ை рооுро▒்ро▒ிро▓ுроо்
родро╡ிро░்роХ்роХுроо்рооாро▒ு  ро░роЪிроХро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роХேроЯ்роЯுроХ்роХொро│்ро│рок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родு. 
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Monday 14 December 2015


рооுродро▓் роЗроЯроо் рокிроЯிрод்род ро╡ிроЬроп் ро░роЪிроХை !!

    роХро░்роиாроЯроХா рооாроиிро▓род்родிро▓் роороЩ்роХро│ூро░ிро▓் ро╡роЪிрок்рокро╡ро░் роРро╕்ро╡ро░்ропா. роЗро╡ро░் рокேро╖рой் роЯிроЪைройро░் роороЩ்роХро│ூро░் ропூройிропро░்роЪிроЯ்роЯி роЕро│ро╡ிро▓் рокேро╖рой் роЯிроЪைройро░ிро▓் рооுродро▓் роЗроЯроо் рокிроЯிрод்родுро│்ро│ாро░்.

роЗро╡ро░ிроЯроо் родொроЯро░்рокு роХொрог்роЯு рокேроЪிроп рокோродு.

  роОрой் рокெропро░் роРро╕்ро╡ро░்ропா роиாрой் роХேро░ро│ாро╡ிро▓் рокிро▒рои்родேрой் роЕроЩ்роХு родாрой் ро╡ро│ро░்рои்родேрой் роЗрок்рокொро┤ுродு роиாрой் рокேро╖рой் роЯிроЪைройро░் рокроЯிроХ்роХிро▒ேрой் роОройроХ்роХு ро╡ிроЬроп் роЕрог்рогрой் роОрой்ро▒ாро▓்  роЙропிро░் роЪிрой்рой ро╡ропродிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родே ро╡ிроЬроп் ро╡ிроЬроп் родாрой் роЕро╡ро░் рокроЯроо் ро╡рои்родாро▓் роОройроХ்роХு родீрокாро╡ро│ி родாрой். роЕро╡ро│ோ рокுроЯிроХ்роХுроо் роОройроХ்роХு ро╡ிроЬроп் роЕро╡ро░ுроХ்роХாроХ родாрой் роиாрой் рокேро╖рой் роЯிроЪைройро░் рокроЯிроХ்роХிро▒ேрой் роЪொрой்рой роироо்рокுро╡ீро░்роХро│ா роЖрооாроо் роОройроХ்роХு роТро░ே роТро░ு роХройро╡ு ро▓роЯ்роЪிропроо் роОро▓்ро▓ாрооே роЕро╡ро░் рокроЯрод்родிро▓் роиாрой் рокேро╖рой் роЯிроЪைройро░ாроХ рокрогிропாро▒்ро▒ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.

 роиாрой் роЯிроЪைрой் роЪெроп்род роЯ்ро░ெро╕் роЕро╡ро░் рокோроЯ்роЯுроХ்роХொрог்роЯு рокெро░ிроп родிро░ைропிро▓் роЕро╡ро░ை роиாрой் рокாро░்роХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роОрой்рокродு родாрой் роОрой் роХройро╡ு ро╡ேро▒ு роОродுро╡ுроо் ро╡ேрог்роЯாроо் роОрой்роХிро▒ாро░் роРро╕்ро╡ро░்ропா.

роЗро╡்ро╡ро│ро╡ு родீро╡ிро░ ро░роЪிроХро░்роХро│் ро╡ிроЬроп்роХ்роХு роороЯ்роЯுроо் родாрой் роЗро░ுрок்рокாро░்роХро│் роОрой்рокродிро▓் роОрои்род роЪрои்родேроХрооுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ை роЗрои்род родроХро╡ро▓ை роЪிроХ்роХிро░роо் ро╡ிроЬроп் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рокாро░்роХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் рооுроЯிрои்род ро╡ро░ை ро╖ேро░் роЪெроп்ропுроЩ்роХро│். 

роРро╕்ро╡ро░்ропாро╡ிрой் рокேро╕்рокுроХ் ID ро▓ிроЩ்роХ்

рооுродро▓் роЗроЯроо் рокிроЯிрод்род ро╡ிроЬроп் ро░роЪிроХை !!

рооுродро▓் роЗроЯроо் рокிроЯிрод்род ро╡ிроЬроп் ро░роЪிроХை !!

роЙроЩ்роХро│் роХройро╡ு роЪிроХ்роХிро░рооே роиройро╡ாроХ ро╡ாро┤்род்родுроХ்роХро│் роРро╕்ро╡ро░்ропா.

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